
Many of our customers choose to utilise our trade-in service so that they can use their existing instruments as part-exchange against a new purchase. We pride ourselves on fairness and honesty with our trade-in transactions so that you are confident that you are getting the best deal we can offer right from the outset; every sale we make must contribute to the running of our business and the sale of second-hand instruments play their part too. Far too often though badly-run music stores simply barter with customers to see what they feel they can get away with when offering part-exchange deals.

Quite simply, we tell you what we will sell your instrument for and we base the part-exchange offer directly on this sell price so you know what is in it for us from the outset; if we offer you pennies then we can only sell for pennies. It is therefore in our interest to base our part-exchange offer on the best possible sale price so that we may in turn get the best return on our investment.

Feel free to complete the trade-in enquiry form below to gain an idea of what we will offer you as part-exchange. Please note that at this moment we only part exchange instruments (not amplifiers or accessories).

The trade-in valuation is a guide only based upon the condition indicated and is not a binding offer; we will need to inspect the instrument to provide a firm offer.